Camp Hope strives to provide a great experience while being a good steward of the donations we receive. To the end, we have developed the following goals and objectives. The results from the most recent camp are listed as well.
Goal: To provide campers with a safe, supervised camping environment.
Outcome Objectives:
- There will be no more than 5 campers to 1 volunteer at all times.
- Select a minimum of 75 volunteers per session.
- Orient all volunteers to the policies and procedures of camp.
2016 Results: We had 102 volunteers with 77 campers.
Goal: To provide a camp setting where all campers feel supported, safe and respected.
- Campers will complete the ACA Camp Connectedness questionnaire while at camp with the goal being that 75% of campers ages 10 and up report feeling an increase feeling of connectedness as a result of participating in Camp Hope.
2016 Results:
Goal: To increase a camper’s ability to develop positive relationships, as the benefits of a positive support system for youth with chronic illnesses are well known
- Campers will complete the ACA Friendship Skills (detailed version) while at camp. The goal will be that 50% of campers ages 10 and up show an improvement in their ability to build and maintain friendships because of their experience at camp
2016 Results:
Goal: To provide the medical expertise and close monitoring required by children with a history of cancer.
Outcome Objectives:
- At least 2 physicians will be available at all times.
- A member of the medical staff will be immediately available for all activities.
- All medical staff will be in compliance with medical protocols.
2016 Results: We had 3 physicians on site 24 hours a day the entire week of camp.
Goal: To provide campers opportunities to experience normal camp programs as their medical needs will allow and at no cost to the camper.
Outcome Objectives:
- Activities will be evaluated every year to determine whether they meet the needs of the camp and campers.
- Camp Hope Heartland and Camp Hope will provide 100% of the funds for Camp Hope.
2016 Results: Post-camp surveys were sent to all volunteers and families. Camp Hope-Heartland raised enough money to cover the cost of camp.
Goal: To offer children with cancer opportunities to interact with others who have similar circumstances.
Outcome Objectives:
- All campers will interact with others by the end of the session.
- At least 75% of all campers will actively participate in small group activities of their choice.
- At least 2 newsletters will be mailed annually to Camp Hope campers and volunteers, besides the daily newsletter distributed during camp.
2016 Results: 3 Newsletters were sent out during the year
Goal: To provide to the parents whose children attend camp a safe, secure program, and to provide them with all necessary information and support.
Outcome Objectives:
- 100% of families receive camp packets and final information at least 2 weeks prior to
- 100% of the families will have received written documentation regarding Camp Hope.
- 100% of the families will meet with a representative of Camp Hope and a member of the medical staff at arrival.
- Maintain accreditation with the American Camp Association
2016 Results: Camp Hope had an American Camp Association site visit and passed. Confirmation of accreditation status should be received by the fall. All families received documentation/packets immediately upon camp registration.
Goal: To provide maximum benefits to the children from the donations received.
Outcome Objectives:
- All restricted camp gifts will be used for camp programs.